Travel Ponders

Best Time to Visit the Caribbean

Best Time to Visit the Caribbean - Travel Ponders

You and your family have decided that you want to go on vacation. This time, you think you want to go to a tropical place, where the sky and the sea are practically the same color. The Caribbean seems to tickle your fancy.

A place like St. John can create a lot of memories – but it is up to you to determine if you make those memories be positive or negative. There are some great times to go and some decidedly not-so-great ones. It just takes a bit of research ahead of time – and part of that is finding accommodations.

If you are thinking of making that trip a reality, before you put “luxury villa St. John” in a search engine, you want to have an idea of when you should go. You don’t want to pay more than you have to and you also might want to go when there are not going to be a lot of other people around you making things more chaotic than you would like. Read on to learn the best time to visit the Caribbean.

The Best Time to Visit the Caribbean

Usually, people tend to go between the months of December and April. The biggest reason for the draw here is that

Try To Avoid the Rainy Season 

Much like the weather in other tropical or humid climates – think Florida – there are times in the year when the chances for rain are roughly 100% for some days. This is known as the rainy season. While it can be annoying to have to hide under umbrellas for a while, it is also quite helpful in terms of keeping the trees and vegetation there in a lush state.

If you go to a place like St. John any time between May and October, it might be a good idea to pack some rain gear. While the temperatures will still mostly be pleasant, getting soaked can still be an annoyance. You don’t want to while away much of your time in your luxury villa watching the rain … you could have done that at home. 

Avoid Hurricane Season

While this may also sound like the Rainy Season, those rainstorms, while sometimes heavy, still pale in comparison to hurricanes. You would be inconvenienced having to stay inside your villa on those rainy days – but if a hurricane came, depending on the strength, you could go anywhere from being without power for a while to possibly having the roof ripped off …. or worse.

Typically, the hurricane season is from July through November. The peak time in St. John is usually in September and October. The climate may be shifting, though, so you might have to be on the lookout for hurricanes later in the year – December still seems pretty safe for now.

Planning Your Trip to the Caribbean

Now that you know the best time to come, it’s all about making sure that you properly map out your plans so that you can get the most out of your stay. If you don’t, then you risk having travel problems and being bored during your stay there.

Don’t Make These Mistakes

These are things that can make your trip go much smoother. There are also things that can make your trip a living nightmare. Don’t make these mistakes that can make you wish you were already back home.

How to Pack for a Caribbean Vacation

You want to be sure to pack things that will both keep you comfortable and also keep you occupied during certain lulls during your trip. It’s a good idea to have a waterproof suitcase that you can wheel or carry around. Here are things that you should pack for certain parts of your trip:

These are just some of the things that you need to consider when it comes to planning your trip. It is only the tip of the iceberg, though, since entire books have been written traveling to the Caribbean. If you follow the above tips, though, you can assure yourself of a good time throughout.

A trip to the Caribbean can be a life highlight, and if you like the place that you stay and find it within your budget, you could make it a yearly trip. Once you get the hang of things after the first trip, these things should be like second nature for you. Then you can just enjoy yourself the entire time.

Author Bio

James Sullivan has been helping with travel tourism for the past 12 years. He now wants to share his knowledge and expertise with others.

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